Monday, 15 September 2014

The Matrix Revolutions Opening

The Matrix Revolutions Opening: An Evaluation

This starts with the important factor of producer/distributor info within the first twenty-seven ish second it's style with a matrix like colour palette to make it unique and more relevant to the film series then moves on to the opening title giving some cool animations to make it interesting.

I suppose the main thing in any film opening is the producer/distributor info and are usually found within the first thirty - sixty seconds of any film if not there then within the first two minutes as this is what tell the viewers who made the film it's their 'stamp of approval' if you like, it tells you who's who so you know what company to critique when you watch a particularly bad film so you don't just go ranting to anyone and everyone because that would just be terrible for the guys would do actually do a good job.

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