Tuesday 21 October 2014

Audience Research

Audience of Film in General

The typical audience for films is between the ages of 15 and 44 with an almost equal split between male and female, the most popular genres being comedy, Adventure, Drama and Action.  Obviously there are some people who break the mould like 90 years old who regularly watch films of all genres but these are generally few and far between.

Audience of Horror Films

The typical age of the horror audience is between 15 an 25, this is as they are still in the early stages of development and are still open to experimentation and seek adrenaline rushes.  The younger audience is also less likely to be put of by violence and unnatural imagery than their older counterparts and can usually relate more to the film/characters as the main characters are usually younger people.  Males are more likely to be the audience of horror films as they are stereotypically immature thrill seekers although I have recognised a steady rise of female horror fans over the past year.  The audience usually appears as groups of friends or young couples.

Friday 17 October 2014

Story Opening - Initial ideas

Story Opening

The opening scene will be used to establish the setting and the protagonist.  the main character, a male mental patient about 40 years old, will be sat on a seat in a busy corridor in the mental hospital.  the shot will be time lapsed with the man sitting still.  This will show the busy atmosphere of the hospital with patients (Old with walking frames and drips) and nurses (Uniformed) moving around him.  There will be a yellowish filter over the shot

Conventions of film openings

Shot Types

Film History

Friday 10 October 2014

Story Ideas

Idea 1

The Crisis - Suppose that a group of friends go on holiday to a city/town and there is a zombie outbreak

The Story Goal - My lead's story goal is to escape the city/town before the military take action against the outbreak.

The Story Idea - A group of friends go on holiday to a town/city while they are there a zombie virus spreads and the place is quarantined by the military, the group find out the truth behind it, and also that the military are going to bomb the place in 24 hours to stop the outbreak so they have to escape.

The Protagonist - Male, Between 18 and 28, Military man like appearance (combat fatigues, buzz cut hair), speaks using slang, cold hearted personality, has a problem with authority, russian origin with a russian name like Dmitri.

The Oppositional character - Some high up military person who doesn't want anyone to get out.

The Confident - The protagonists only surviving relative his sister.

Idea 2

Suppose a patient in a mental hospital is getting abused by a possessed patient that only he can see. It's trying to take over him, which means he cannot get better.

Story Goal:
The goal of the story is to figure out what it is thats controlling the man and for the workers to convince the man that it is all psychological. The main character wants to gain peace and stop him being possessed Overall, he just wants to be 'normal'. If the goal is not reached then the patient will end up being killed by the people who cannot deem him safe anymore. The main character can relate to the audience as we can see that he cannot help what he does and that he wouldn't be in this state if he wasn't in the hospital to begin with.

Story Idea:
The film is to be set in the a mental hospital and feature the life of the people who live within. It is based around the main character in the film, who is possessed by a devil and cannot control what he is doing. However, as he is in the hospital, the workers and fellow patients simply think this is just his mental state.

Audience Feedback on Idea 2:

When presenting to the class, we received feedback from the audience about altering the goal of the story and what will happen should the man not succeed in removing the devil. The feedback included using some background information and introducing why the man is in the hospital, making him more relatable to the audience. Also, it includes changing the plot as to what happens if he does not succeed, from him being killed to over taken by the devil. It could also include multiple possessions among the patients in the hospital. 

Horror Film Titles

Existing Titles

A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Cabin in the Woods
The Exorcist
The Blair With Project
Night of the Living Dead
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Silence of the Lambs
The Evil Dead
The Shining
Let the Right One In
The Conjuring
World War Z
Paranormal Activity
The Ring
The Woman In Black
The Devil Inside
I Spit on Your Grave

Title Ideas

Dead End
Kill the Lights

Genre Analysis

Horror/Zombie Comedy

Shaun of the Dead, Dead Snow, Zombie Land

The typical traits of a zombie horror film is well obviously zombies and some kind of awesome action sequence.  I like zombie horrors that throw a small twist like a bit of comedy, a good example of this is Shaun of the dead.  This type of film appeals to me as it is not just part of a typical genre with a typical plot it has a comical twist to it that helps to make it more interesting instead of being just another horror.

Action Comedy

Hot Fuzz, Bad Boys, 30 Minute or Less

Alright so with action films the typical way to go would be ridiculous car chases, expensive helicopter shots, epic fight scenes and shoot outs.  But by adding some comedy into the mix and especially some real creative comedy a lot of that plot line can be cut and replaced with simply shots and scenes that add humour and make the film appeal to a much wider audience.

Science Fiction Comedy

The World's End, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Men in Black

So this one is the same as the other two but is a science fiction with a comical twist to it, like the other ones it would appeal to a larger audience than a film that was just a single genre instead of a hybrid and does make the film generally slightly more interesting unless your a genre purest and don't like hybrid films.